Sunday, 16 December 2018

Wealth ...

Wealth measured not by only money
Sits within aspects, powers so many!

Amalgamation of skills, capacities
Vision must be wide, not arbitrary.

Readiness to learn and thirst increases,
The openness to incorporate progresses,

The entire inner dives in to, to be
To add on that that yet unreached seems!

The whole lot of various varieties 
There within the man awaits already.

The search outside is done away with
The attention goes in inside deep.

The reservoir of the divine, real wealthy
Just an identification away with a need!

Labels such as poor or defeated for any 
Nothing but consciousness of poverty.

The Truth consciousness and it's Will
The ever prevalent for mankind to succeed.

The Divine is wealthy thus each of its creation...
How can that not be!
Have faith and keep proceeding...
That process is a progress wealthy...

Thank you, Dear Divine!

December, 2018

Money is not meant to make money, money is meant to make the earth ready for the advent of the new creation.
It is to the Divine that all riches belong. It is the Divine who lends them to living beings, and it is to Him that they must naturally return.
Wealth under the psychic influence: wealth ready to return to its true possessor, the Divine.
A day shall come when all the wealth of this world, freed at last from the enslavement to the antidivine forces, offers itself spontaneously and fully to the service of the Divine’s Work upon earth.
6 January 1955

Give all you are, all you have; nothing more is asked of you but also nothing less.
6 January 1956

True wealth is that which one offers to the Divine.
You are rich only by the money that you give to the Divine Cause.
30 January 1959

You are richer with the wealth you give than with the wealth you keep in your possession.
The true fortune is to spend in the right way.
You become truly rich when you dispose of your wealth in the best possible way.
February 1962

Prosperity stays consistently only with him who offers it to the Divine.

Unselfish prosperity: he who receives it abundantly, gives all that he has as he receives it.

Generosity gives and gives itself without bargaining.

Let money come and go in abundance for good works.

To me any activity is more important than its cost to me, even if the cost is unreasonable. Money should never be the criterion for such decisions. If we say we can’t have something because of its cost, we limit our receptivity to the Grace and hamper its workings. Money is only a medium of exchange, it is all relative and the Divine resources are inexhaustible. Is this attitude a correct one?
You are quite right and I approve of your attitude.

Never mix in your thought spiritual power and money because it leads straight to catastrophe.

A gift made through vanity is profitable neither to the giver nor to the receiver.
I wanted to make him understand and experience that the thought, the feeling and the force that is in a gift is much more important and valuable than the thing given itself.

A practical problem comes up more and more often: should one who is preparing to do Yoga and has made it a general rule to offer You everything and depend entirely on You, accept gifts, in money or kind, coming from others? Because if he accepts, he is put under personal obligations and duties. Can a sadhak allow this? Can he say to himself: “The Divine has many ways of giving”?

What is to be done if a person begins to quarrel because one has accepted a gift in one case and refused in another? What is to be done to avoid such bitterness around one, provoked by repeated refusals?

“The Divine has many ways of giving.”

This is the correct thing. One never has any obligation to anybody, one has an obligation only to the Divine and there totally. When a gift is made without conditions, one can always take it as coming from the Divine and leave it to the Divine to take care of what is needed in exchange or response.

As for ill-will, jealousy, quarrels and reproaches, one must sincerely be above all that and reply with a benevolent smile to the bitterest words; and unless one is absolutely sure of himself and his reactions, it would be better, as a general rule, to keep silent.
6 October 1960

People say, “God is the friend of the poor”, but it seems wrong and false. God is the friend of the rich. We do not know what place we have.

To the rich God gives money, but to the poor He gives Himself. All depends on the poor giving more value to the riches or to God.
22 August 1964

In this material world, for men, money is more sacred than the Divine’s Will.
12 March 1965

Greed for money: the surest way to decrease one’s conscience and to narrow one’s nature.
17 December 1939

Does the economic condition of a man become stable with the betterment of his consciousness?

If “betterment of consciousness” means an increased, enlarged consciousness, a better organisation of it, then as a result there should naturally be a greater control of outward things (including the “economic condition”). But also, naturally when one has a “better consciousness” one is less preoccupied with such things as one’s economic condition.

Solution of the economic problem:
Arriving at the synthesis of two problems:
(1) adjusting the production to the needs;
(2) adjusting the needs to the production.
Words of The Mother
Letters, Messages and Other Short Written Statements
Wealth and Economics

All wealth belongs to the Divine and those who hold it are trustees, not possessors. It is with them today, tomorrow it may be elsewhere. All depends on the way they discharge their trust while it is with them, in what spirit, with what consciousness in their use of it, to what purpose.

Most spiritual disciplines insist on a complete self-control, detachment and renunciation of all bondage to wealth and of all personal and egoistic desire for its possession. Some even put a - ban on money and riches and proclaim poverty and bareness of life as the only spiritual condition. But this is an error; it leaves the power in the hands of the hostile forces. To reconquer it for the Divine to whom it belongs and use it divinely for the divine life is the supramental way for the Sadhaka. . . . The ideal Sadhaka in this kind is one who if required to live poorly can so live and no sense of want will affect him or interfere with the full inner play of the divine consciousness, and if he is required to live richly, can so live and never for a moment fall into desire or attachment to his wealth or to the things that he uses or servitude to self-indulgence or a weak bondage to the habits that the possession of riches creates. The divine Will is all for him and the divine Ananda. SA

Flower Name: Nymphaea
Water lily
Significance: Wealth
True wealth is the wealth that one offers to the Divine.
Supramentalised Wealth
Wealth placed at the service of the Divine.
Wealth in the Mind of Light
Open to all higher ideas.
Wealth under the Psychic Influence
Wealth ready to return to its true possessor, the Divine.
Emotional Wealth
The only true emotional wealth is love for the Divine.
Wealth in the Vital
Comes willingly to generous natures.
Wealth in the Most material Vital
Can be stable only after conversion.
Generous Wealth
Likes to be given and spread far and wide.
Integral Wealth of Mahalakshmi
Wealth in all domains and all activities, intellectual, psychological, material, in feeling and action.

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