Friday, 3 February 2017

O Human! You have power...

O Human!
You have power.
Not for; control or brutality,
Mental vital physical animality!

Awake now!
Fasten your power.
Leave behind barbaric cruelty,
Collect oneself of humanity...

Rise up!
Concentrate your power
Plung in with, in deep equanimity,
Execute with utmost integrity...

Here you are!
The real Power in charge.
With psychic-supramental working.
Manifest thy pure divinity...

'Morli' with a bow, Dear Lord...

Science says that the human, in its fundamentals is an animal. The being has evolved out of animal, that is with greater capacity than any other, from animal family.

Usually animals survive on pure iinstinct predominately by killing, dominating for territory, establishing power by brutal fights over respective herds and procreation...

There is no sense, understanding or even concept of barbarism there because of absence of mind and there by judgement or discernment.

Can one fit the human potential this frame?

Never and need not...

The race, has overall, gradually found a new set of grounding through mind by realising powers for creation and co-creation, respecting and valuating the co-existents...

Fair enough...
Applaud loud!

The process of evolution does not stop here. The chain has to complete its agenda task.

Thus, somebody from us was made to aware and assign to bring in New awaited dimensions of Truth and the real Reality, here upon the earth and in the earth atmosphere.

The Superhumanhood has already been envisaged, understood, embodied, established.

With abolished, absolved animality but with complete, ever present Divinity which is diverse, multitude, uniquely subjective yet manifesting the whole & sole Divine Truth...

Which is,
Yet to be,
Projected by the entire race...
Procreated the same, by then...
The futuristic fundamental norm and characteristics of the race...

Certain to happen...
Everyone present now on the earth and elsewhere, 
Are contributing, even now...
As this is read...or otherwise...

Grateful to you Lord!

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
February, 2017

Flower Name: Dahlia
Significance: Superhumanity
The aim of our aspirations. 
If a spiritual unfolding on earth is the hidden truth of our birth into Matter, if it is fundamentally an evolution of consciousness that has been taking place in Nature, then man as he can not be the last term of the evolution.  He is too imperfect and expression of the Spirit, Mind itself a too limited form and instrumentation;  Mind is only a middle term of consciousness, the mental being can only be a transitional being. If then man is incapable of exceeding mentality, he must be surpassed and Supermind and superman must manifest and take the lead in creation. But I his mind is capable of opening to what exceeds it, then there is no reason why man himself should not arrive at supermind and supermanhood or at least his mentality life bidy to an evoluation of that greater term of the Spirit manifesting in Nature. SA 
Each time we try not to be ordinary men, not to live the ordinary life, to express in our movements, our actions and reactions the Divine Truth, when we are governed by that Truth instead of being governed by the general ignorance, we are apprentice-supermen and according to the success of our efforts, well, we are more or less able apprentices, more or less advanced on the way. TM

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