Wednesday, 21 June 2017 ascend is a gift...

To be able to ascend is a gift
The chosen ones get to leap...

Not for all this precious shift
Those have to descend peace...

To reach to a top, a vast stream
To bring down, downpour of bliss...

To stay human, humanly, humblely 
Yet scale up to the regions deities...

To surpass above, even world godly 
In to realms golden of the Supreme...

'Morli', ascension - a power of divinity
For special purpose to live and fulfill...

This yoga demands a full ascension of the lower or ordinary consciousness to join the spiritual above it and full descent of the spiritual  (eventually the Supramental) into the mind, life and body to transform it. The total ascent is impossible so long as sex-desire blocks the way; the descent is dangerous so long as sex-desire is powerful in the vital.  For at any moment and inexperienced or latent sex-desire may be the cause of a mixture which throws back the true descent and uses the energy acquired for other purposes or turns all the action of the consciousness towards wrong experience, turbid and decisive. 

One must, therefore, clear this obstacle out of the way; otherwise there is no safty or no free movement towards finality in the sadhana. SA

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
June, 2017

Flower Name: Citharexylum
Fiddle-wood, Zitherwood
Significance: Spiritual Ascension
Fearless, regular, uninterrupted.

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