Sunday, 11 June 2017

Where peace resides...

Identify with higherer minds
Realms where peace resides.

Go! Stay up there in a quiet!
Bundled up other aspects divine.

Stay there forever, in white light,
Knowledge, Power, Force, Delight.

Bring down with descent, if night
Lit up surrounds, from deep inside.

Let all sip in, slowly to blossom wise
'Morli', that reservoir is to live divinise.

Identification is the beginning...

The moment one identifies oneself with a particular element, entity or environment, the very moment corresponding modifications begin to happen.

At the usual human mental-vital-intellect level, things are as they are in majority. 

But to be Light, one has to choose and identify with the light, to begin with and to remain with, respectively, in the initial stages.

Once, one gets to enter and stay in realms with light that too, of the Mother's white light, one has access to knowledge, peace, truth, delight...

One has ladder ready to scale up and to bring down all these powers and the required forces.

The offered self is made blessed to easily move around there and operate through those elements and divine intends.

But the beginning of 'want' is must followed by total surrender...

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
June, 2017

Flower Name: Tropaeolum majus
Nasturtium, Indian cress
Significance: Promise of Realisation in the Mind
The mind must be silent to allow the Supramental consciousness to take its place.

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