The Divine Grace turns in swift
However sadden or suffering
Changes to triumph and offering...
The offering if consistent in living
Chain reaction brings partnership
Human will merges with greater Will...
The Divine Will active in pertaining
Every breathe and pulse and beat
Gets power from the source Supreme...
Surrendered is the life and happenings
The Divine takes up the man, the routine
The life forever then, in power of the bliss...
Thank you...
- Morli Pandya
February, 2018
His chosen partner in a titan game,
Her will he has made the master of his fate,
Her whim the dispenser of his pleasure and pain;
He has sold himself into her regal power
For any blow or boon that she may choose:
Even in what is suffering to our sense,
He feels the sweetness of her mastering touch,
In all experience meets her blissful hands;
On his heart he bears the happiness of her tread
And the surprise of her arrival's joy
In each event and every moment's chance.
BOOK I: The Book of Beginnings 66
Between, behind our life, the deathless Rose.
Across the covert air the spirit breathes,
A body of the cosmic beauty and joy
Unseen, unguessed by the blind suffering world,
Climbing from Nature's deep surrendered heart
It blooms for ever at the feet of God,
Fed by life's sacrificial mysteries.
Here too its bud is born in human breasts;
Then by a touch, a presence or a voice
The world is turned into a temple ground
And all discloses the unknown Beloved.
In an outburst of heavenly joy and ease
Life yields to the divinity within
And gives the rapture-offering of its all,
And the soul opens to felicity.
A bliss is felt that never can wholly cease,
A sudden mystery of secret Grace
Flowers goldening our earth of red desire.
All the high gods who hid their visages
From the soiled passionate ritual of our hopes,
Reveal their names and their undying powers.
A fiery stillness wakes the slumbering cells,
A passion of the flesh becoming spirit,
And marvellously is fulfilled at last
The miracle for which our life was made.
BOOK II: The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds 278
As to the suffering, which is so great a stumbling-block to our understanding of the universe, it is evidently a consequence of the limitation of consciousness, the restriction of force which prevents us from mastering or assimilating the touch of what is to us other-force: the result of this incapacity and disharmony is that the delight of the touch cannot be seized and it affects our sense with a reaction of discomfort or pain, a defect or excess, a discord resultant in inner or outer injury, born of division between our power of being and the power of being that meets us.
…for pain and suffering are a perverse and contrary term of the delight of existence and they can turn into their opposite, even into the original All-Delight, Ananda.”
The Life Divine, Book 2, Part I, Chapter 4, The Divine and the Undivine, pp. 404-405
“But Mind can arrive only at a compromise between the infinite within and the finite nature without; it cannot pour the infinity of the inner being’s knowledge and power and bliss with any sense of fullness into its external action which remains always inadequate.”
The Synthesis of Yoga, Part Two: The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, Chapter 24, Gnosis and Ananda, pp. 479-480
Flower Name: Scabiosa atropurpurea
Mournful widow, Sweet scabius. Pincushion flower, Egyptian rose
Significance: Blessings
Pure and innumerable, manifesting themselves infinitely.
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