Sunday, 11 February 2018

Just a trustee!

Just a trustee, O Man!
What for, which means, 
run here and there!

The life, the living O Man!
Nothing but a devise that 
unknowingly you have!

The resource rhythm O Man!
The soul gift that rhymes. 
Unnecessarily why boast and compare!

The pride of possessions O Man!
Not even thought or emotion 
that you flaunt straight!

The opportunity one must grab O Man!
Understand the trusteeship, 
be like a trusted Man...

Thank you Lord!

How well opportunate a Man is! 
The human life is so entangled, interwoven and sprouting on the resources offered by the abundance of the cosmic system.

Something is there for everyone...unique in unity! 

This uniqueness is yet a part of the Divine plan and this each one is made trustee of it...of respective life, the experiences, the nittygritty of subjective worlds, the equation one has with life...

The more Man remembers and in accordance regards the trusteeship, easy and flourishing the role becomes. The relax the flow on the shoulder found.

Why flow?
Because all good, bad and ugly pass a dash...touch and go!

The clarity in the intends of trusteeship makes one like a wax...nothing sticks and sits but smoothly slides down.

Whatever Man harbours, eventually changes because Change is Changing all the time and so does the life...

To remain a far, beholding life mechanisms from distance - does give better view and higher sights.

May each one be at best...

- Morli Pandya 
February, 2018

Trust is the mind's and heart's complete reliance on the Divine and its guidance and protection.

The core of the inner surrender is trust and confidence in the Divine. One takes the attitude: "I want the Divine and nothing else. I want to give myself entirely to him and since my soul wants that, it cannot be but that I shall meet and realise him. I ask nothing but that and his action in me to bring me to him, his action secret or open, veiled or manifest. I do not insist on my own time and way; let him do all in his own time and way; I shall believe in him, accept his will, aspire steadily for his light and presence and joy, go through all difficulties and delays, relying on him and never giving up. Let my mind be quiet and trust him and let him open it to his light; let my vital be quiet and turn to him alone and let him open it to his calm and joy. All for him and myself for him. Whatever happens, I will keep to this aspiration and self-giving and go on in perfect reliance that it will be done." SA

Who trusts the Divine never leaves the loving arms of the Divine wherever his body may be. TM

Flower Name: Asystasia gangetica
Significance: Trust in the Divine
Most indispensable for the impulsive vital.

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