Monday, 5 February 2018


Nothing can break, penetrate or inject
The Divine consciousness 
From thousand patelled uptill tail...

Secure, flowery, flowey, fully spaced
The Divine consciousness 
Dwells now inside - out, everywhere...

Golden, white and in rainbow clad
The Divine consciousness 
Bright, luminous, guiding strength...

In-stationed! Just above the head
The Divine consciousness 
In intend, action from there beneath percolates...

Forever grateful Lord...
How marvellous is your mechanism! 

A big, in permanent ... Bow!

- Morli Pandya
February, 2018

“To the former belong infinite being, infinite consciousness and will, infinite bliss and the infinite comprehensive and self-effective knowledge of supermind, four divine principles…” Next the mental being: “…to the latter belong mental being, vital being, physical being, three human principles.”
“The divine is infinite and immortal being; the human is life limited in time and scope and form, life that is death attempting to become life that is immortality. The divine is infinite consciousness transcending and embracing all that it manifests within it; the human is consciousness rescued from a sleep of inconscience, subjected to the means it uses, limited by body and ego and attempting to find its relation to other consciousnesses, bodies, egos positively by various means of uniting contact and sympathy, negatively by various means of hostile contact and antipathy. The divine is inalienable self-bliss and inviolable all-bliss; the human is sensation of mind and body seeking for delight, but finding only pleasure, indifference and pain. The divine is supramental knowledge comprehending all and supramental will effecting all; the human is ignorance reaching out to knowledge by the comprehension of things in parts and parcels which it has to join clumsily together, and it is incapacity attempting to acquire force and will through a gradual extension of power corresponding to its gradual extension of knowledge; and this extension it can only bring about by a partial and parcelled exercise of will corresponding to the partial and parcelled method of its knowledge. The divine founds itself upon unity and is master of the transcendences and totalities of things; the human founds itself on separate multiplicity and is the subject even when the master of their division and fragmentations and their difficult solderings and unifyings
The Synthesis of Yoga, Part Two: The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, Chapter 13, The Difficulties of the Mental Being, pp. 376-377

Flower Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Significance: Consciousness One with the Divine Consciousness
Smiling and happy, it no longer knows any shadows.

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