The Creatrix's amazing universal maze!
Interconnected all and all part of the game!
Dot to dot in invisible thread
Alive network and active current sockets!
The same ends in material now surface
In varied ways and means the cosmos operates!
The world and the remaining Unclear! though framed
Everything is of single vibration, in frequencies separates!
The minds of Mind, the souls of Soul sequence
The new age and systems for Human to habituate...
Once the connecting medium is part of life innate
The human mind shall grasp and the souls communicate...
Now at the physical level systematically settles,
New technologies and trends help Man to accentuate...
Access of knowledge when be even and in spread
Settled ceasation shall poke Mind to upgrade...
The wider urge shall invoke the grand way
The Divine consciousness shall transmute further the race...
The current state is nothing but a stage
The Divine plan is active and through humans upscale...
Irrespective of era, age, or genre
Science and spirituality are as now and was then...
Through machines and tools by study and knowledge
Technology offers material, immaterial solutions...
Through technologies today's science is with craze
Nothing dominates or regress - if the Man is unfazed...
The human potential was ever challenged
By technologies, calamities, endless creative space...
No styles or advances in quality of life change
The principles of integral yoga unfaded remain...
As long as life in the living stays
The Divine is detrimental to merge with divine of earthly closet.
The best for human to be in best
With attitude turn to Divine in Any Which way...
The phases are the Divine in manifest
Every concrete experience is The Divine Will in progress...
Accept as real, as gear and utilise in moderate
Ultimately, All is and has the Divine in fact...
Immense Gratitude Lord!
Thank you...
- Morli Pandya
February, 2018
Below are the gathered threads that reflect on the theme...
Role and Impact of Technology in Sadhana:
“Again scientific hypotheses have no character of truth. Very often it is possible to give two different theories explaining the very same facts – so they have equal value. In such a case probabilities are more important than truth.”
* In Conversations with Sri Aurobindo, Pavitra, p. 145
So what are the chances of our understanding a theory that goes beyond the mind and delves into realities that are outside the scope of modern science? Can we go higher, deeper, and larger?
"The knowledge that science possesses is one thing – and not a large one – the scientific attitude is another. The capacities of observation, of study, of reserving one’s judgement and building a conclusion only after all available data have been gathered, of keeping the mind open to any suggestion, any clue about a higher truth, this attitude is indispensable to the occultist also... But the criteria of the physical plane are not valid on the vital plane. The vital plane is the world of spell and deceit and power. The methods of modern science are good so far as the physical plane is concerned; they are not acceptable for the higher ones. For theseplanes, the ancient method of developing the higher knowledge under the guidance of the Guru has its raison d’être".
In Conversations with Sri Aurobindo, Pavitra, p. 135.
"Indian metaphysics did not attempt, as modern philosophy has attempted without success, to read the truth of existence principally by the light of the truths of physical Nature. This ancient wisdom founded itself rather upon an inner experimental psychology and a profound psychic science, India’s special strength, – but study of mind too and of our inner forces is surely study of nature, – in which her success was greater than in physical knowledge. This she could not but do, since it was the spiritual truth of existence for which she was seeking;nor is any great philosophy possible except on this basis. It is true also that the harmony she established in her culture between philosophical truth and truth of psychology and religion was not extended in the same degree to the truth of physical Nature; physical Science had not then arrived at the great universal generalisations which would have made and are now making that synthesis entirely possible. Nevertheless from the beginning, from as early as the Vedas, the Indian mind had recognised that the same general laws and powers hold in the spiritual, the psychological and the physical existence"
Sri Aurobindo, CWSA, vol. 20, p. 124.
Flower Name: Fittonia verschaffeltii
Nerve plant. Silver net plant, Silver fittonia, Silver nerve
Significance: Application Nerve plant. Silver net plant, Silver fittonia, Silver nerve
Modest but harmonious.
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