Monday, 19 February 2018

Inspite of ...

To be able to love...
Inspite of how hard or low is the tide!

To be able to inspire...
Inspite of what beneath within subsides!

To be able to learn...
Inspite of how prodigy speaks the grey of inside!

To be able to bow down...
Inspite of however atop one is seen by the outsides!

To be able to surrender...
Inspite of how precise in plan and prescribe!

To be able to laugh...
Inspite of why for and how empty cup fills like!

To be able to live...
Inspite of the road the journey and the travel time!

'Inspite' here, gives a leverage to go beyond!

Create space which is uncharted and specific!

Break the boundaries of personal, emotional and of the solutions...

Something yet never done or thought in a particular way or approached differently...

Not only challenging oneself but much more than that, that is owning up, making it part of oneself, and everytime crossing it further...

'Inspite' indicates that extra, gives an understanding of rough background or criticality of surface and yet something improved, brought down through action.

Thank you Lord!

- Morli Pandya 
February, 2018

A leaden Nescience weighs the wings of Thought, 
Her power oppresses the being with its garbs, 
Her actions prison its immortal gaze. 
A sense of limit haunts her masteries 
And nowhere is assured content or peace: 
For all the depth and beauty of her work 
A wisdom lacks that sets the spirit free. 
An old and faded charm had now her face 
And palled for him her quick and curious lore; 
His wide soul asked a deeper joy than hers.
Out of her daedal lines he sought escape; 
But neither gate of horn nor ivory 
He found nor postern of spiritual sight, 
There was no issue from that dreamlike space. 
Our being must move eternally through Time; 
Death helps us not, vain is the hope to cease; 
A secret Will compels us to endure. 
Our life's repose is in the Infinite; 
It cannot end, its end is Life supreme.
BOOK II: The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds 196 197

Let endurance be your watchword: teach the life-force in you — your vital being - not to complain but to put up with all the conditions necessary for great achievement. The body is a very enduring servant, it bears the stress of circumstance tamely like a beast of burden. It is the vital being that is always grumbling and uneasy. The very essence of endurance is that the vital should learn to give up its capricious likes and dislikes and preserve an equanimity in the midst of the most trying conditions. Nothing great is ever accomplished without endurance. TM

Flower Name: Zinnia elegans
Common zinnia, Youth-and-old-age

Significance: Endurance
Going to the end of the effort without fatigue or relaxing.
Courageous Endurance
Strong and energetic, never complains.
Victorious Endurance
It will endure till the end of the battle.
Spontaneous Endurance
Natural, effortless, smiling.
Joyful Endurance
Whatever happens, it keeps on smiling.
Ananda of Endurance
To know how to bear and endure undoubtedly creates a strong and lasting joy.

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