Wednesday, 7 September 2016


Protection is round the clock.
More is asked, the thicker it gets!
The sheaths till the inner dock,
All covered in the white cloth...

Seal with faith, trust strong
'Yes! it is there to sustain long
For any, every second of the clock'
Process to be in self certain mode...

Evidence leaves every moment
Every happening, progress sure
Under protect, towards the goal.
Victory! 'Morli', a certitude assured...

Protection; keeps away from danger, harm, hurt, damage, is must for human life. Especially, when each one is supposed to progress by process. 

Thus, each step or stage must proceed to the next with utmost utility in shortest duration is expected. In such scenario, self and life course both need human attention for safety.

In integral yoga practices, each individual being is seen in various parts of beings. That is why, the protection of each one is priority.

In such case, one must need to protect each part, each sheath from consciousness and force, elements of self and nature. In different ways and care from grades to grades... step by step, in a systematic context.

Each missed out step and created gap cost time, resources and human-divine endeavour till the time, commune is established.

Thousand times a day asking and aspiring for round the clock protection is essential and asked for. By then the Divine help is bound to provide with gentle hands and unconditional means. Trusted faith on the same leads to certainty of victory over any kind of adversity.

Thank you Lord...

- Morli Pandya

September, 2016

Flower Name: Bougainvillea ‘Mary Palmer’

Significance: Manifold Protection
A protection working not only on life as a whole but on each of its details.

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