Wednesday, 21 September 2016



The significant, constant key!
Let life be taken cared by Thee,
Through systematic workings -
Offering, consecration, self-giving...

Look all similar but differ in bits!
Take care of stages, steps deep.
Assured techniques for life free.
Human stays in protection, peace...

Allowing, permitting is Offering!
Show readyness to Lord, indeed,
As 'Prasada', at the divine feet,
With all one's good, bad and ugly...

With what one is, has and doing, 
Open up childlike to the middle King.
Gather each thread around psychic being.
Whole being in a prayer is Self-giving...

In possession thought, emotion, activity!
Day and night concreate connectivity,
Sure, short, way out for any suffering,
Consecration possible when psychic leads

Lights, lights to pass with supremacy! 
Sincere surrender is needed company,
'Morli', Lord lifts those perfect devotees,
Divine has better plans for surrendered beings... 

Surrender is a gift,  not everyone is blessed with.  For those fortunates indeed have the divine by their sides. They are naturally gifted with the power of remembrance,  vision,  intend,  devotion and identification.  

Initially may not be apparent or an act with self awareness but gradually end up with optimum effectivity. The success of Sadhana lies here.  Integral and detail surrender draws leaps and ease in the process. Surrender then and by then,  is a way,  an approach and a direction of life. 

Surrender origines from and submits to the divine presence in the heart,  holds a devotional background. However,  those who strongly believe in mind supremacy, for them surrender is a word out of dictionary.

In that context, it is perceived a way for weaks. For them, it is always a question mark with a big 'why'... 

One such expression published highlights the same,

Surrender is a biggest divine act
Than affirmative conditional tact.

The core fundamental, for progress,
Not just mere repeating mental strain.

From the group of love, truth straight
Then 'to be brought' the mind waves!

On earth, the face of the infinite Grace.
Way huge than the way mind reiterate.

All about emerged merged crown game.
Sustain to be much more stronger then.

Pure part of the Whole Existence certain
Where to remove the division is a play.

No compromises 'Morli' when doneintense
Only humble, open, clear purpose remain. 
*May 2016

Surrender completely contradicts to what mind world tries and struggles to establish all the time. 

Here, nothing is to be proved,  approved or improved by standards of one or another's mind but to take as and abide by, the divine directions in combination with other tools.

This is not only an approach toward life but at one point, for any person with any belief or thought school will have to meet up with surrender face to face and implement,  practice as a need to process the life...

In surrender,

Every 'stuck' absolves, 
Absorbs and dissolves
Not even a trace, stain
Remains to dent further!

Every needful resource
Advances and upsurges
Not even a bit less
Remains to grow further!

Every moment of gratitude
Receives and enlivens
Not even a fraction 'Morli'
Remains without The Greater!
*April 2016

For the Integral Yoga practices, surrender is the beginning and the end too. To establish and settle  every step and stage and process, surrender is a password.

Let the Divine decides on one's behalf...
Let the Divine lead one's life...  
For that life directions one is always ready to follow... 

These are the undertones of Surrender. 
An expression conveys firm message,

Surrender to realign oneself
To refocus the consciousness...

Surrender to retrieve thread
To respond with consciousness...

Surrender to reveal true state
To realise same consciousness...

Surrender to retreat soul stay
To recreate in that consciousness...

Surrender to reject dusty play
To receive flow of consciousness...

Surrender to replace clumsy sway
To relive clear consciousness...

Surrender to repose 'Morli' den
To revive divine consciousness...
*October 2015

Initially with the readiness to be as - 'for and by the Divine', later when the Sadhana and the person as a Sadhak matures,  the shift comes as - 'from the divine to the divine'.  

That is complete,  integral surrender where nothing is left undone and everything is the divine done...

Active and passive both
Surrender's known modes!
Chosen always either or
Dependent on the soul alone!

Action then surrender to Lord
All acts go in to that Whole!
Engaging with connecting pole
Seated within, in centre hole!

All action happens on roll
Just let all pass without role!
Passive surrender with what not
Whatever happens Lord's note!

Later challenging, a few draws
Former lively, alive! Strong more!
Lord decides 'Morli' soul tone
Best possible, in very life short!
*November, 2015

There is a myth prevalent that the higher power can not ask a man to surrender.  But  this simple psychological act changes chances of a man. 

The expression says the same,

Surrender is not at all; sacrifice,
Forcefully submit, compromise!

Repress, suppress or be seer like!
No need to unwillingly turn aside!

React, regret, revenge, loser kind!
Never a response, a withdraw type!

True surrender means offering high!
Comes from attuned oneness dive!

Just for the sake of beloved divine!
For cleansing of self and pure life!

Achieves one, greater vaster heights!
More, complete degree of flow white!

Certainly not; easy for every or pride 
But  surely 'Morli' each soul inclines!
*August 2015

In the final verdict,  everything offered,  is gifted back but now much healthier and advance as powers of the instrument for the divine life... 

By giving one gets... 
By letting go one grows...   
By merging one emerges...

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya
September, 2016

Flower Name: Rosa 'Prosperity', Rose
Significance: Pure Spiritual Surrender 
Candid, simple, spontaneous and complete in its multiplicity. 

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