Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Be in harmonised...

Be in harmonised harmony. 
Deliver from that colony. 
For every possible possibility, 
Sustain in that harmony...

The individual self and within, 
The parts of self and the interlinks, 
Recognise the connect between
Keep, revive the harmony...

To harmonise, scale high. 
Search out the threads alive. 
Through connects, bind, 
Recharge the current, the harmony...

'Morli', Potential in every divide
To be and convert all designs
In harmony that transforms defines
The very intend must materialise...

There is a hidden truth behind everything...

In fact,  one would say 'hidden' because the human is far away than the truth sight. 

Just because one can not perceive, one understands that, the other side is distorted, ambiguous, veiled...

Everything is truth and that Truth which in it self is a complete Harmony. Without harmony nothing can exist.

The Entirety is in entire, because of the harmonised harmony.

Harmony is a kind of flow, the flowy vibration, current, the energy which has innate capacity to dissolve the otherwise. Provided it is gifted, graced.

Harmony, the elemental power is in abundance  everywhere thus easily accessible unless there is no receiver.

The nurtured nature...
The natural balance mechanism...
The cycle of synchronicity are all due of the divine harmony.

Even the divides, disturbances, deviations are part of the same harmony. They have great potential to bring transformation. 

They are there, here because they have to Be, have to turn to be otherwise.

Everything in this world is not as it should be but because it shall be...

Important is to find that harmony within oneself and give significant touches from that region to everything one comes across...

Then there is inner harmony that is reflected in outer...

And then,
Here, back to flow...
Harmony to harmony...

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya
October, 2016

Flower Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Chinese hibiscus, Hawaiian hibiscus, Rose- of-China
Significance: Power of Harmony
Simple, noble, dignified, powerful and charming.
For all problems of existence are essentially problems of harmony. They arise from the perception of an unsolved discord and the instinct of an undiscovered agreement or unity. To rest content with an unsolved discord is possible for the practical and more animal part of man, but impossible for his fully awakened mind, and usually even his practical parts only escape from the general necessity either by shutting out the problem or by accepting a rough, utilitarian and unillumined compromise. For essentially, all Nature seeks a harmony, life and matter in their own sphere as much as mind in the arrangement of its perceptions.

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