Monday, 31 October 2016


Not only; awareness or intellect, 
Knowledge or a realised state,

Static, stagnant or not saturate, 
Not even understanding or intimate,

No; beginning or an end somewhere, 
Just here or there or at one place,

The very fundamental existence. 
The Force and the related movement.

The cause of the nature, it's facet, 
The reason, emotion, action base.

Consciousness is the divine face, 
From the Divine Joy to dark shade .

On the earth, is possible to translate, 
O Human! Exceed till the Supramental...

'Morli' with a bow... Lord!

Consciousness, in literal meaning is a state of being aware, being responsive to the external and internal world.

Consciousness is everything and in everything... because of consciousness there is everything and vice-a-verse...

Consciousness is; 
The Current and the Force, 
The Vibration and the object, 
The Knowledge and understanding, The Beauty and the beholder, 
The one and the Thee...

Consciousness is behind the very thing. It is not stagnant but can be stationed. Though it has a mobile component thus can climb up and down, dependent on the driver.

In Integral Yoga, Sri Aurobindo through the vehicle of consciousness explored higher realms, established certain elements and forces to specific stations for future generations to visit by ascent and descent.

He, together with The Mother, gave a new meaning and scale to traditional concept and perception of the existance of consciousness. 

One such published expression:

O Mother! every moment 
and molecule, 
Influx with your consciousness-
force fused... 

Your force impregnates every 
depth and ground, 
Your consciousness penetrates 
in cell and surround... 

Your force establishes every 
move and bound, 
Your consciousness expands 
in stars and sanctum... 

Your force manifests in every 
nature and impound, 
Your consciousness commands 
farthest and tiniest now... 

‘Morli’ bows to your consciousness-
force astound!
Infused sunlight bright with 
soothing moonlight profound!

*November 7, 2014

Consciousness is then, not limited to awareness only but is also recognised as a force,  which makes things move, makes things happen and leads to the outcome.

Consciousness if then further  derived then, that only is SatChitAnand. The whole range from inconsient to the said level - every mental,  vital,  physical state, stage, condition is consciousness.

Human Consciousness i.e.  Individual Consciousness can be developed to Universal consciousness and then transformed to Transendental consciousness as Integral Yoga theories and practices define.

Accordingly, consciousness is in very atom of everything and thus can be chosen, changed and best, can be transformed.

That means Consciousness is flexible in any form as such. Which further assures that it has the Truth consciousness too.

Through conscious collaboration with the divine power and by opening up the psychic being, truth Consciousness can be brought down.

Even now,  as this content is read and as was written, both ends the consciousness is and was at work...

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya
November,  2016

Flower Name: Helianthus
Significance: Consciousness turned towards the Supramental Light
It thirsts for truth and will find its satisfaction only in the truth.
Consciousness is a fundamental thing, the fundamental thing in existence — it is the energy, the motion, the movement of consciousness that creates the universe and all that is in it - not only the macrocosm but the microcosm is nothing but consciousness arranging itself.

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