Thursday, 23 March 2017

Identify respective...

Identify respective point
Where, realisation, one feels
That's the place to be...

Roam around, here there uneasy
Better to find that confidant firstly
That's the purpose for every...

May differ with each and every
Certain but, surely gifted with
That's the search to live...

Once found that life point
To real Freedom life leads
That's 'Morli', the whole point...

Life is beautiful.
One has to go, find the respective point of value.
Which surely, is different for each one...can be found in another degree or a level but the course is not complete till one reaches that point. 

The point where one gets the realisation of being here, in this world with this life and under this bodyself.

To reach that point, one may have to climb up and down, move in circular or take turn, assimilate or diperse...this will go on till one is able to use that enabled and absorb the point of life worth. 

The point could be through any route; social, professional, physical, rational, financial or whatsoever...will reflect personally which will lead up to self search...

"This one or that one"..if not internally well connected and groomed within, will try and adventure still in outer options, inner reflections and so on...

But if that deep digging shall lead oneself to that enlightened point where the inner uphill ceases.

One finds oneself feels... I AM...THIS IS ME...

Catch hold of the real self and keep holding in one's aware!

- Morli Pandya 
March, 2017

Flower Name: Turnera subulata
West Indian holly, Sage rose, Yellow alder
Significance: Awakening of the Physical Mind
It wants to know and opens itself wide in order to understand.

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