Monday, 10 April 2017

Silence mixed with awakened...

Silence mixed with awakened pshychic
Above mind regions start revealing.

One after other, in depth and gradually
Higher, Illumine, Intuitive, Overmental be!

One after other each brings forth truely
The Truth consciousness of respective.

One after other, climbs to the Origine
Every region with ample specifics.

The real practices start from here with
Psychic and Spiritual both in collective. 

'Morli', Greater the power and experiences in
When transformations two fold, as blessings.

Mind...the current human treasure... Certainly!

All most all school of thoughts or belief systems and sects stop here or rather one can say that they cease at the level of Mind and they strongly advocate it as a summit. The 'Third eye' is an ultimate eye of the universe! Definitely well deserving but within its range. The level where one is digging but the same level...

Thoughts and emotions are believed to be precious gems and variety in ideas is a sought after and sought for niche.

Thought brings thoughts and the most believed in, medium. 

Integral Yoga practices could break through the lid and has now unveiled the gradations above the mind. So one can say that after the 'Thousand Petals' the real evolvement begins, the true awakening is after that. The genuine consciousness approach starts from here. The descent and penetration, the sole mode is then contineously active and operational. 

Each plane has its own effect and specialisation but ascension from each leads to further advanced scale. Then movement within them is easy and at times significant too.

The real and somewhat truthful intuitions and glimpses of truth appearances flow to percolate from here. Under sincere Integral practices, one can attain to these gradations by protective blessings. Surely, silence is the key for finite.

The light brings all the required illumination. Thoughts are not then formed but occur. Ideation is not painfull compelling exploration but in concentration, emerges.

There Knowledge called him to her mystic peaks 
Where thought is held in a vast internal sense 
And feeling swims across a sea of peace 
And vision climbs beyond the reach of Time. 
An equal of the first creator seers, 
Accompanied by an all-revealing light 
He moved through regions of transcendent Truth 
Inward, immense, innumerably one. 
There distance was his own huge spirit's extent; 
Delivered from the fictions of the mind 
Time's triple dividing step baffled no more; 
Its inevitable and continuous stream, 
The long flow of its manifesting course, 
Was held in spirit's single wide regard.
*Savitri CANTO XV: The Kingdoms of the Greater Knowledge Pg 299

The planes which lead one from the light of Higher Mind to further to the lights of Intuition and further...

Utterly peaceful and instilled if awakened psychie...

Then in rejoice... every second...

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
March, 2017

Flower Name: Crataeva Adansonii, Crataeva Nurvala, Crataeva Religiosa, Caper tree
Significance: Working of the Enlightened Mind 
It is very powerful in leading the being to the Divine and can be very useful for progress.

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