Monday, 6 January 2014

Oh Lord, where not do I...

Oh Lord, where not do I see you!

You! The play,
You! The player,
The game and the winner – as I see you…..
I forever bow down to you…

Let Your Light,
Enshine every corner of the world and Radiate everywhere…

Let Your Love,
Engulf every bottom of the heart and Heal everyone…

Let Your Knowledge,
Enlighten every mind and Empower every move…

Let Your Power,
Flourish in the body and strength Endure in every cell…

Let Your Peace,
Emerge from every atom and Confer in each and every human life…

Let Your Grace,
Envelope entire human kind and Harmonise every opposite…

Let Your Blessing,
Bestow upon the universe and Manifest in one and all…

‘Morli’ forever bows down to you…Thank you my Lord.…

- Morli Pandya
January 6, 2014

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