Friday, 19 August 2016

Aspire and aspire...

O Human! Aspire and aspire
The shortest way to diviner
Surest win, all else are liars...

Thoughts, emotions are ample!
But certain, are play of mental,
Can not lift one higher...

Desire, want, wish, so much!
But certain, are faces vital,
Can not fill one forever...

The only fuel for psychic fire.
Promising way for human future,
To transform the race in superhuman...

So Human, Open! Aspire ardent!
Till the Divine; hears the seeker,
Bless the aspirant with force supramental.

'Morli' with a bow...O Lord!

Aspiration is a movement, an intense feel, a call purely from domain of psychic . It is not something which  can be planned and done, always spontaneous and self exceeding. Surely not the vital pull which can be brought by temporary means. 

Only Aspiration has a capacity to lift upward the whole being. It goes straight like an arrow and remains uninfluenced. None of the parts can get opening and later transformation without the inner willingness, shout (Pokar) of aspiration.

When a person aspires, the whole being is involved though it is a need of any one part. That also indicates that the psychic is active and at work. Initially it may be sporadic but as the Sadhak advances the call of aspiration becomes frequent and after a point even without words, in silence, in thoughtless way. A little different than a prayer! 

It is specifically mentioned that a moment comes when there is a cry out, an intensely deep feeling and at that time, if the Sadhak is conscious and consciously uses the moment for aspiring , it, surely  turns to progress.

For real aspiration, the openness of the being is important. The seeker must have a will to progress through surrender and faith. These three go side by side. Of course, rejection of the possible mixture and receptivity, when aspiration brings the answer, play significant roles here.

At any stage of the sadhana, even after reaching a point where most parts of being are going under total reversal, aspiration is a constant flow. It keeps an eye both on inner and outer worlds and keeps a balance.

Aspiration; is a continuous connect...
Mearging to emerging in the Divine light...
Always leads to progressive spiritual leap..
Strengthen one's tie with the Divine...
The only, the most powerful and effective 
movement of psychic...
Leaves influence over entire being and on
the spiritual journey...

One can always open oneself to the Divine Mother to show, how to truly aspire and like every aspiration, even that is answered...

- Morli Pandya
August, 2016

Flower Name: Nyctanthes arbor-tristis (Night jasmine, Tree of sadness)
Significance: Aspiration
Innumerable, obstinate, repeating itself tirelessly. 

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