Friday, 12 August 2016


Love from The Love difference -
Mere worldly to devout reference!
Both are mutual in substance,
Scale and feel, total progression...

Human love surrounds condition,
Heights base on wants, preference.
Give-take on continuous rotation,
Care and dare the basic notion...

Divine love, at par, benefactor.
Devotee-Divine partner protector.
None ask for certain combination,
Peace and light based succession...

Gone are the days of old tradition,
Divine love asked for pain, deprivation!
Lord fills life with creation, miracle.
'Morli' devotee-Divine, perfect union...


A power, a connect, a saviour, an energy, a protection, a reason, a life... so on and so forth...

What not a love can mean to anyone. The significance changes with person and there by its effect and consequence. The way it treats the individual also differs.

A huge scope it leaves for bonding as well for improving. A human eye has a definite perception about love. Commonly, collectively accepted Dos and Donots are also attached to it.

Variously defined and validly confined Love...yet a strong urge, demands, associations and conditions are drivers of it.

But by process, once one gets in touch with the Divine love, the ultimate peak of the types and levels of the Love. Here, all borders vanish. Love there, is ready to meet in new flowy existence of everything that IS.

Known as the Delight, the Beauty, the Light, the Power.. all names and labels, feels and cognition - as much as one can relate to it. The human capacity to know and feel that is a way more limited and to reach to that pinnacle is a way far reached. But beloved Lord, does make one get a glimpse of it, which also one made to know, that is nothing compare to what IS...

This new-found scale of love shown by the Lord and Divine Mother, does not ask for renunciation, misery and pain but gives the devout a productive track by transforming all the peripheries in to boundless creativity. Never leaves the tracker half the way or solely on personal efforts but after a point lifts the sincere ones on the divine shoulders and walks along, unconditionally, with mutual dedication and committment... surmounts the path...

Grateful for the feel and knowing about the difference...Lord

- Morli Pandya
August, 2016

Flower Name: Rosa (Rose)
Significance: Human Passions Changed into Love for the Divine
May they become a real fact, and their abundance will save the world.

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