Wednesday, 16 November 2016

O Ananda Aditi!...

O Divine Mother!
O Supreme Goddess! 
O Ananda Aditi!

Whatever you have decided
So be it! 
Till now that is what has 
been happening...

The births, the current and 
those coming, 
All are to be humbly lived at your
 divine feet...

Thank you for accepting, letting 
at your service. 
Preparing, converting to genuinely deserving.

Your love, power and light - be the guiding, 
Under protect, peace - your partner 'Morli'...

Oh Mother! I hold your feet tight;

Bow and Offer all;
Not leaving anything, from the Divine…

Nothing stirs, shakes or differs

In this very moment,
In the still mind…..

Nothing to resist, refer or prefer

In this very moment,
In the vital to remind…..

Nothing but rejoices, just the love

In this very moment,
In the heart without any divide …..

Your grace flows to the underneath,

Leaving nothing untouched,
Unturned behind…..

Oh Mother! 

‘Morli’ thanks from the entire being;
Loving everything that one has,
Not leaving a single one, from the Divine ….
*January 12, 2014


You take care of everything,

Everyday, Day by day,
In every which way…

Nothing hidden, unknown, strange or secret

When You around, always
Show the alternate in most truthful way…

Nothing with stain, trace, scar or dent

When You remain, always
Incharge of occurrence people, in very individual way…

Nothing to scare, fear, afraid or beware

When You guide, always
Aware through your light, absolve any frightful way…

Nothing but you, peace and your love when

When You with ‘Morli’, always
Grateful for everything being given in your own loving way…
*February 2, 2014

Mother! 0 Sweet Mother!
I’m just at rest and peace
In your presence…

Power; gets the mind and

Thinks kind and positive
Thoughts throughout…

Power; gets the heart and

Feels compassion and forgiving
Emotions throughout…

Power; gets the body and

Fills health and beauty in
The structure throughout…

Power; gets the self and

Evolves with your blessings and
Divine grace throughout…

So much Love ‘Morli’ and

Thanks my loving Mother!
*March 23, 2014


Aditi - The Mother. Aditi is the indivisible consciousness, force and Ananda of the Supreme; the Mother, its living dynamis, the supreme Love, Wisdom, Power. 

According to the Truth of things...  the worlds are brought forth from the divine consciousness, from Aditi, goddess of infinite being, mother of the gods, the indivisible consciousness, the Light that cannot be impaired... 

The Divine Mother is the Consciousness and Force of the Divine - which is the Mother of all things.

The One whom we adore as the Mother is the divine Conscious Force that dominates all existence.

All is created by the Supreme Goddess, the Supreme and Original Mahashakti, all proceeds from her, all lives by her, all lives in her, even as she lives in all. All wisdom and knowledge are her wisdom and knowledge; all power is her power, all will and force her will and force, all action is her action, all movement her movement. All beings are portions of her power of existence.

At the head she stands of birth and toil and fate, In their slow round the cycles turn to her call; Alone her hands can change Time's dragon base. Hers is the mystery the Night conceals; The spirit's alchemist energy is hers; She is the golden bridge, the wonderful fire. The luminous heart of the Unknown is she, A power of silence in the depths of God;

She is the Force, the inevitable Word, The magnet of our difficult ascent, The Sun from which we kindle all our suns, The Light that leans from the unrealised Vasts, The joy that beckons from the impossible, The Might of all that never yet came down.


- Morli Pandya 

November, 2016

Flower Name: Nelumbo nucifera 'Alba', Sacred lotus, East Indian lotus

Significance: Aditi-the Divine Consciousness
Pure, immaculate, gloriously powerful.

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