Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Time to take a look...

When one's yoga tells to freeze! 
Not to improve and fix! 
Time to take a look before proceed...

Any yoga, balance equilibrium. 
To enjoy the worth of life given, 
With best effort to contribute enough...

If practice starts with position others, 
To change rest than self of the one! 
Consideration needs before forward...

Implication behind governing someone, 
With one's intend through way spiritual, 
That elemental world with impact serious...

'Morli', Best working on own limitations
Through own theory, discovered methods, 
Rewarding becomes faith unconditional...

To rest means to stop growth of personal, 
To reverse and invite adverse influence, 
Noncommitent to the youthfulness eternal...

Growth is a contiguous process, knowlingly-unknowingly goes on... 
in invisible ways or tangible scales.

Through yoga, one perfects oneself but sure not by the means of bringing change in others. If the focus is; not oneself and desirous to effect others, it can bring serious implications.

The real yoga, especially, Integral yoga starts with oneself and goes endless because the founders have established that the human potential to grow spiritually is endless.  

There are faculties and powers, sheaths and domains, mental layers and the psychic being, the soul and the spiritself waiting to emerge. If one decides to pursue, this one life time is a short period to perfectivise.

Apart from that, to embody divine;  peace, love, light, knowledge, silence and few such growth areas are worth to be enliven.

When a person is using the spiritual powers on others to bring ambitious desirable outcomes, is losing out on all of the above... those gems to possess, for which the life is an opportunity...

The life, then is a platform to jump start, leap and bounce with smile and vigour under the divine guidance and protection to grow further youthful in newness of each now, moving past each past and renewing the defines...

Thus, one must... 

'Grow and grow, 

Youthfulness to draw!! '

Thank you Lord...

- Morli Pandya 

November, 2016

Flower Name: Hibiscus hirtus

Significance: Eternal Youth
It is a gift the Divine gives to us when we unite with Him. 
Youth does not depend on the small number of years one has lived, but on the capacity to grow and progress. To grow is to increase one'spotentialities, one's capacities; to progress is to make constantly more perfect the capacities that one already possesses.
To be young is to live in the future.
To be young is to be always ready to give up what you are in order to become what you should be.
To be young is never to accept the irreparable.
To know how to be reborn into a new life at every moment is the secret of eternal youth.

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