Just grow...simply grow
No worry, hurry of growth...
Childlike, simply grow
In confidence of being in growth...
By default, simply grow
As one is bound to, be a growth...
Like a water flow, simply grow
Unlike obstruct, be fluid in growth...
Every part of being, simply grow
'Morli' defines the infinite growth...
This can be a lifelong agenda...
One must acquire one thing in the life for sure...how to learn to grow and the way to keep learning...
Learning to grow - is one such addiction one must cultivate and adhere too.
By all means, throughout the life, the human being grows, then why not, consciously...
There are vivid, varied, myriad areas and subjects, issues and prospects, skills and techniques in and of vast universe. The beauty is all available in various degrees and yet get recognised, acknowledged at one point or other by universe itself.
The human part in the whole game is to find out what resonates the most, the call from within, apart from the dutiful deliverance.
Hold it tight, mould the self a bit, find the ground and be timeless...just zone out for that one thing...
This habituation always one gets to habituat. This never ceases.
Yes, The interest may! Then start all over again. Either one would end up resuming the same or may find something different, upgraded or intense...but never out of one or any.
The Lord has a way. His duty is to give thread and find thread from what ever one chooses to engage in.
The human job is to be sincere, genuine, persistent, and the most endearing,
To enjoy...
The life and respective role...
With gratitude...
Thank you...
- Morli Pandya
January, 2017
Flower Name: Primula, Primrose
Significance: Growth
It will multiply and assert its right to be.
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