The pile stinks,
'Spend' is a hint,
Save means deceive,
Meant for circulating,
Money leads promise...
The business of its kind
Not profit by literal type
But gain in improvise
The life condition and style
Money educates human tribe...
To flaunt, boast, bribe
To lavishly waste or decline
Made to store, stock or steal,
More or less - wrong to cling
Money breaks or makes wise...
Due to grace of the Shakti divine
Appropriate contributive, purposive
The defines open boundaries
'Morli', To upgrade and syncronise
Money progresses the earth life...
In today's world, money defines Man!
Not the source of money or of the man !!
How much and which way it is converted , is associated with the celebrity status. The society does not matter much about which way it is drawn, accumulated and grabbed.
The channel of rooting money could be anything but ultimately it is the MONEY and one should not, by rejecting the cause, reason or route, insult the money...
A myth but a prevelant predominant belief too...
Once a matter of exchange as a good has become today, a matter of pride, ego, discrimination.
Money was never meant for that. The concept was to keep, one common tool to access other materialistics. The form was never meant to be an obsessive focus.
This, the intend behind Money and any kind of exchange was to ease up and even human lives.
Never for any,
gradation but for up gradation,
for material harmony,
for mental-vital-physical improvements of human nature.
The concept of interchange, the force of the Wealth was brought down by the Divine Shakti - Ma Lakshmi for and by many other forms but the distracted human Mind has captured certain elements of the define and perverted it.
At the same time, along with what is mentioned above, Mother and Sri Aurobindo have specified that having not enough money or keeping oneself deprived of it - is a matter of consciousness.
Poverty is a face of consciousness one should be aware of.
One must take;
a good look into it and
a call to get out of it.
By, Offering one's condition, surrendering to the Divine guidance and aspiring for improvement in condition.
But once blessed, money should be used for life education and conditions of one and of others lives. Thereby, to improve earth standards and living systems.The man is just a trusty that way.
Every form of the earth can get benefited by the right and proper use of the mental beliefs related to money. Which eventually leads to action of purposive utilisation.
One must get aware, comprehend and implement the real sense about money for what it has come and made to be intricate part to human life.
The respect and regards for money is only worth when superior importance is given to the human life and the mother earth.
Money is important to live healthy, hygienic, harmonious life but can not replace any of them.
Money is productive if given a right place, earned through right actions and utilised with a right understanding.
There is a reason to respect everything about the Life, the money includes too...
Thank you...
- Morli Pandya
January, 2017
Flower Name: Ochna kirkii
Bird's-eye Bush, Mickey Mouse plant
Significance: Greed for Money The surest way to diminish one's consciousness and narrow one's nature.
Money is not meant to make money, money is meant to make the earth ready for the advent of the new creation - TM
Money belongs to the one who spends it; that is an absolute law. You may pile up money, but it doesn't belong to you until you spend it. Then you have the merit, the glory, the joy, the pleasure of spending it! . .. Money is not meant to generate money: money should generate an increase in production, an improvement in the conditions of life and a progress in human consciousness. That is its true use. What I call an improvement in consciousness, a progress in consciousness, is everything the education in all its forms can provide ... from the education of the body, the most material progress, to spiritual education an, progress through yoga - the whole spectrum everything that leads humanity towards its future realisation. Money should be used to increase that and to increase the material base for the earth's progress. - TM
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