Saturday, 29 July 2017

Let the Divine deside...

Let the Divine deside...
Leave all else aside...

Keep the Divine byside...
Only the inner guide...

Chant the Divine hymn...
Descent from kingdom high...

To be sincere Divine child...
Hindrances from low tides...

To the Divine infinite times...
Reciprocate humbly the gifted life...

Gratitude Lord...

Significant practices and pathways to reach out to the real truer Self...

Each has its own role to play singly and collectively, journey to embark and to contribute as an empowering element into the integral process.

Each one leads or turns the focus, thought and actions towards the Divine.

Each helps to transform the masked animality that is hidden under various forms and psudo layers be in the name of morals or virtues or acceptable socio-cultural norms...

In a way they are techniques to reach out to that deep within burried potentiality that is connected to the all powerful Supreme ... the inherited portion of the Divine that lives within...

Just to tap out to that real source and then the resource for the birthlife

Through which taming down one's own rigid and untrained approaches to become a perfect spiritual host...

Purity, power and perfection are gifted then to the birthlife for the divine life...

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
July, 2017

Flower Name: Datura
Thorn apple
Significance: Integral Tapasya
The whole being lived only to know and serve the Divine.

Immaculate in self-knowledge and self-power, 
Calm they repose on the eternal Will. 
Only his law they count and him obey; 
They have no goal to reach, no aim to serve. 
Implacable in their timeless purity, 
All barter or bribe of worship they refuse; 
Unmoved by cry of revolt and ignorant prayer 
They reckon not our virtue and our sin; 
They bend not to the voices that implore, 
They hold no traffic with error and its reign; 
They are guardians of the silence of the Truth, 
They are keepers of the immutable decree. 
A deep surrender is their source of might, 
A still identity their way to know, 
Motionless is their action like a sleep. 
At peace, regarding the trouble beneath the stars, 
Deathless, watching the works of Death and Chance, 
Immobile, seeing the millenniums pass, 
Untouched while the long map of Fate unrolls, 
They look on our struggle with impartial eyes, 
And yet without them cosmos could not be.
BOOK I: The Book of Beginnings
CANTO IV: The Secret Knowledge 57

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