Friday, 7 July 2017

Silence wispers...

Silence wispers in heart
And calmness enters 
Once desires discard...

All that 'learned' go quiet
Attentive yet restful dier
Once offering of entire!

In full inner - outer
'Here' and 'there' concurrent 
Once accept-absorb sequence stable!

'Morli' Silence sings in chorus 
Truth-notes come to foyer
Once being enjoys mystical choir!

Silence is creative.

Once settled, begins to whisper to inner ear.

If given sincere ears in adoration, humble gratitude and gets platform to florish.

With the capacity to be halter, it can invite all the truth expressions and significance.

In silence, the being becomes a ground for mystic signs, symbols, sounds and syllables...

All possible divinely manifestations get a room to appear, come to the fore, surface and deliver...

Silence has silent divine strength. That unspoken, quiet world has so much going on from far and above and in deep within...

From every direction, sense and becomes a pool of creation.

What a multidimensional medium!

Silent adoration to Silence!

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
July, 2017

Flower Name: Passiflora foetida
Running pop, Love-in-a-mist, Wild water lemon
Significance: Integral Silence
The source of true force.
Silence is the condition of the being when it listens to the Divine. 
In silence lies the greatest receptivity. And in an immobile silence the vastest action is done. Let us learn to be silent so that the Lord may make use of us. 
With words one can at times understand, but only in silence one knows.TM

This power of silence is a capacity and not an incapacity, a power and not a weakness. It is a profound and pregnant stillness. Only when the mind is thus entirely still, like clear, motionless and level water, in a perfect purity and peace of the whole being and the soul transcends thought, can the Self which exceeds and originates all activities and becomings, the Silence from which all words are born, the Absolute of which all relativities are partial reflections manifest itself in the pure essence of our being. In a complete silence only is the Silence heard; in a pure peace only is its Being revealed. Therefore to us the name of That is the Silence and the Peace. SA

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