Sunday, 9 July 2017

The aspect Mahakali...

Victorious force of ADITI
Triumph over adversity 
Divine power - life changing!
This is aspect Mahakali...

Our of four purifying Shaktis:
Wisdom, Power, Knowledge, Beauty.
Accross elements, intentions, deeds
The Sun force holds Mahakali...

Grace through fire, passion, speed.
To overcome every short into leap,
Lethargy, compromise, obstacle, limit!
The direct stroke is of Mahakali...

Truthful, honest, open, genuine 
Those and for their divine workings,
Dedicated aspirants get unconditionally 
Unmatched love, protection of Mahakali...

The aspect Mahakali...

A hammer that creates warrior...
A sward that brings realisation...
A wrath that instills freedom...
A consciousness-force that compels evolution...

One of the powers out of four: 
Maheshwari, Mahakali, Mahalaxmi, Mahasaraswati.

The power of Mahakali is on guard for anything that is against the Divine.

The aspect Mahakali has power to fight, rectify and install. It works towards perfection. The perfection that is complete in its freedom and purity.

Only those who have pure soul can behold and be the instrument for this power. This power can cut short the long road and convert all those limiting, opposing, diverting energy points into pure receptors, within oneself and for the overall evolutionary process.

The ardent aspirations are answered with her mights, and at the same time her unceasing love and protection shields the caller.

This one is inevitable as and when the stubborn, inert, slothy, complacent attitudes and forces get settled in and influence against the Divine will and progressive flow.

Once this power is evoked, May turn to life changing force. 

It's actions help,

Unveil layers that are psudo covers to real self. 
Lead one to notice one's own limiting self and an urge to break free from those traps. 
Restore finesse through the divine guidance. 

At times opens to make one aware about the psychic part of the self and helps to get in touch with that hidden power and presence within oneself.

The aspect Mahakali is one of the self actualizing force. 

Fierce yet Fruitful!

May the Mother Divine be the guiding light to one and all...

Offering at her lotus feet...

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
July, 2017
Flower Name: Magnolia grandiflora
Large-flowers magnolia, Bull bay, Southern magnolia
Significance: Perfect Vigilance
Nothing is neglected in its observation. 

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