Demons of past surface
Gently bid them farewell...
Not anymore in the game
Time up for them, their play...
Enough of mockery, shame
Even if plesant, happy tale
See them off or get the package!
The toy unavailable to entertain...
Repetition, a thing for weaker
Who dare not in new ventures!
Come what may! let go! the bygones
The known is not new in any case...
On the journey of life, there is so much to unfold, get revealed, explore, learn, contribute and by then to emerge new.
The 'gone' has given its share of moments and learnings ... thus, should be gone ... one has to look forward and should have faith in future.
Whenever moments and situations are genuinely lived by pure intentions and sincere actions, they create most satisfying past, engaging present and promising future...
Holding the dead past, even if beautiful, one occupies the current time and not leaving room for something this moment is ready to give.
It is all about being faithful to the course, to the time and most importantly to oneself. The source and the resource both are within oneself and not in the period that 'was'!
Respecting the 'gone's, live in present and reborn...
Life is most meaningful!
Thank you...
- Morli Pandya
August, 2017
FlowerName: Carlina acaulis
Carline thistle
Significance: Incorruptible Faithfulness
Nothing can turn you from the duty you have chosen.
Carline thistle
Significance: Incorruptible Faithfulness
Nothing can turn you from the duty you have chosen.
This is faithfulness, to admit and to manifest no other movements but only the movements prompted and guided by the Divine. TM
When I spoke of being faithful to the light of the soul and the divine Call, ... I was simply affirming the great need in all crises and attacks, — to refuse to listen to any suggestions, impulses, lures and to oppose to them all the call of the Truth, the imperative beckoning of the Light. In all doubt and depression, to say, "I belong to the Divine, I cannot fail"; to all suggestions of impurity and unfitness, to reply, "I am a child of Immortality chosen by the Divine; I have but to be true to myself and to Him — the victory is sure; even if I fell, I would rise again"; to all impulses to depart and serve some smaller ideal, to reply, "This is the greatest, this is the Truth that alone can satisfy the soul within me; I will endure through all tests and tribulations to the very end of the divine journey". This is what I mean by faithfulness to the Light and the Call. SA
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