Saturday, 5 August 2017

Let it move, unroot!

Each lower movement 
Sacrifice to collaborate!
Let it move, unroot!

The body must attuned
Habitual healthy school
Let it grow immune! 

The mind must configure 
Productive positive playful
Let it excel multitude!

The vital must be simple true
Straight, supportive, shiney awe
Let it create pure fruit!

Sacrifice of all 'stay - put'!
Stale, stagnant, stringent, stew
Let it all merge in sacrificial hue!

Sacrifice to collaborate
Let get covered  by Divine dune!
Let the being sing Divine tune!

Everything, that is liked to oneself, is always dear to that one.

Not ready to leave, let go, let past anything because they are known pains and pangs. One is somehow habitual to all those so called 'treasures'!

One would prefer to visit there very often and keep on abhoring those moments gone!

The humans have tendency not to sacrifice and Yes, one must not...

But, harbouring on 'These' and suffer ... No!

One must recognise the place within which loves to remind and visit these tiny associations. One must observe within oneself those approving notes which are in a way knots to progress.

One must consciously open them up and release ...

The real sacrifice is this and starts from here ... for the sake of progress ... 

Lord! You the guide ...

Thank you ...

- Morli Pandya 
August, 2017

Flower Name: Punica granatum
Significance: Divine Sacrifice
For the Divine it is not a supreme sacrifice to renounce the beatitude of His unity in order to create the painful multiplicity of the world?

The Divine's sacrifice is the descent of the Divine into the obscurity of the unconsciousness.

The manifestation of the love of the Divine in the world was the great holocaust, the supreme self-giving. The Perfect Consciousness accepted to be merged and absorbed into the unconsciousness of matter, so that consciousness might be awakened in the depths of its obscurity and little by little a Divine Power might rise in it and make the whole of this manifested universe a highest expression of the Divine Consciousness and the Divine love. TM

The law of sacrifice is the common divine action that was thrown out into the world in its beginning as a symbol of the solidarity of the universe. It is by the attraction of this law that a divinising, a saving power descends to limit and correct and gradually to eliminate the errors of an egoistic and self-divided creation. This descent, this sacrifice of the Purusha, the Divine Soul submitting itself to Force and Matter so that it may inform and illuminate them, is the seed of redemption of this world of Inconscience and Ignorance. SA

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