Sunday, 13 August 2017

Offer all contradictions!

Offer all contradictions!
Those, equations with oppositions,
Trail of unwanted occasions,
Memories of unforgetful sessions...

In a way are regressive factors,
In themselves adverse suggestions,
False evidences with fixed patterns,
Comfortable slippery confirmations!

Be aware! Nothing but salvation!
Attract this confusing power,
Pulls one in pit of hesitation,
Easy pray if one succumbs.

Levelled, unobstruct succession.
Flowy! Water like structure,
Penetrate, percolate elemental,
Harmony! In the core of the Nature.

All contradictions subside, absolve, dismiss where harmony is believed because that is the real flow. 

On that backdrop everything else exist. 

Till the realisation is not bestowed one is just a belief away...

Abhoring contradictions and adhere by them, creates energy that pulls one down. In a state where self confidence, trust, power of faith and every such confirming self sustaining feelings are put under scanner, given question marks!

To reach to that 'something' there within, one must start with collaborating. Initially may have to keep a check with highest of the nature and operate and rectify as and when...

Turns out an effective introspective mechanism... where one is continuously in contact with the inner self and if one trains oneself to observe, one would identify the inclined areas, those soft prays and patterns.

Just an inward look and catches!

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
August, 2017

Flower Name: Dahlia 
Significance: Dignity of the Emotions
Not to allow one's emotions to contradict the inner Divinity.

A contradiction founds the base of life: 
The eternal, the divine Reality 
Has faced itself with its own contraries; 
Being became the Void and Conscious-Force 
Nescience and walk of a blind Energy 
And Ecstasy took the figure of world-pain. 
In a mysterious dispensation's law 
A Wisdom that prepares its far-off ends 
Planned so to start her slow aeonic game. 
A blindfold search and wrestle and fumbling clasp 
Of a half-seen Nature and a hidden Soul, 
A game of hide-and-seek in twilit rooms, 
A play of love and hate and fear and hope 
Continues in the nursery of mind 
Its hard and heavy romp of self-born twins.
BOOK II: The Book of the Traveller of the Worlds
CANTO IV: The Kingdoms of the Little Life 141

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