Monday, 14 August 2017

Supreme Energy in triplets!

Today is an auspicious day.
Supreme Energy in triplets!
United the three, the selves!
Krishna, Aurobindo, India independent!

The Souls of Supreme highest
Anniversaries the world celebrates
Omnipresent, Divine-descendant
And spiritual soul-soil of Earth Mother...

The Power, the Light renewed again
The Globe witnesses the fresh rays
Be open and receive with folded hands 
Downpours the Utmost abundant in subtel...

'Morli' bows to The Divine Designates!

Thank you...

An Avatar is an emanation of the Supreme Lord who assumes a human body on earth. TM

The word Avatara means a descent; it is a coming down of the Divine below the line which divides the divine from the human world or status.

The Avatar comes to reveal the divine nature in man above this lower nature and to show what are the divine works, free, unegoistic, disinterested, impersonal, universal, full of the divine light, the divine power and the divine love. He comes as the divine personality which shall fill the consciousness of the human being and replace the limited egoistic personality, so that it shall be liberated out of ego into infinity and universality, out of birth into immortality. He comes as the divine power and love which calls men to itself, so that they may take refuge in that and no longer in the insufficiency of their human wills and the strife of their human fear, wrath and passion, and liberated from all this unquiet and suffering may live in the calm and bliss of the Divine. SA

Flower Name: Nelumbo nucifera
Sacred lotus, East Indian lotus
Significance: Avatar-the Supreme Manifested in a Body upon Earth
The pink lotus is the flower of Sri Aurobindo.

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