Sunday, 9 February 2014

When one reads something...

When one reads something unaccustomed to,

The eyes read and in no second the brain forwards,
Words come – ‘Beautiful’ or ‘Nice’ or whatever!
The mind clueless, the intellect unaware or eager till then–
In their own respective, different domains…

In reality, the soul beneath the heart receives,
The most familiar of all – for all, already knows everything within
The knowledge spontaneously, brings up those responses
The one gets smile, feels joy for a second from that another domain…

The mind searches the meaning that comes up in the brain
The questioning starts, the doubt arises, feels that not understood any!
No mind space with only preoccupied brain yet the core knows it all
The person struggles to find, juggles between the above heart domains…

If the one gets quiet, rather than running here-there-everywhere
Frantic to know and show than give time and just let it be or go
The matter then travels from – through the heart and come to aware
Then ‘Morli’ that insight stays in being, becomes part of all the domains…

Thank YOU!

-         Morli Pandya

February 10, 2014