Thursday, 25 May 2017



Shallow, vain, desperate, God-like 
Live wired constantly alive...

Human in insatiated vice 
Completely severely identified...

One after other, in trail style
Trapped prayed victim kind...

Every fulfilment drags new type
Unknowingly set forth steady drive...

Becomes quicksand if superficially tried
Unless sincerely swallowed every time...

If a step against genuinely exercised
Transfigures, transmutes emerging pile...

Lord, in leaps and bounces gifts prize
Transforms element 'Morli' into will Divine...


In a literal sense: 
A strong feeling of wish or want in context to a particular person, object or outcome.

A sense of longing which is a derivative of the life force in which each life is formulated. 

Desire is that binding elemental thread that keep supplying the vital force. Humankind has found great reliance on the force of desire and happily knotted with the chain of ever emerging desires. 

In ordinary human life, desire is an acceptable and righteous drive. A believable base for basic human necessities such as hunger, thirst, lust, belongingness also luxury, comfort, status etc. 

Thus when holy book Gitaji describes desireless state and conditions as human life goal and a way to becomes challenge for basic human drive of life force. 

Suppression or conscious withdrawal of such force that is believed fundamental of human sustenance from human nature is in itself becomes contradictory and thus, is not supported by all yogic discipline or thought schools. In respective contexts, desire is addressed at one level or another in fragments or treatments but never as a whole and transformed.

This leftover was thoroughly addressed and given a Truth face by the Integral Yoga. 

The whole gamut of Desire cause and effect was given a detailed look which then was found in each part and entangled, entwined, enrooted..."It be for physical satisfaction, such as from hunger, thirst, relief from cold Pg heat, etc; or from vital craving such as seeking power, recognition, sexual gratification, and at more refined levels, emotional satisfaction, aesthetic or intellectual fulfillment or fullfillment of various drives for social development, mystic, etc. Each of these are founded either in the physical or the psychic Prana operativein the body, life-Force, or in the mind"

When the entire human life system is to live and give life to living, drying up the force or temporarily setting up something can never be the progressive solution. 

The integral yoga has outlined the practices thus of self control and purification, soul search and spirit union. 
Where "the real notice power of the life of the soul is Will; desire is only a deformation of Will in the dominant bodily life and physical mind". Only the Desireless state can bring the total silence of Mind which is a pre-requisite for intuitive faculty, a necessary foundation for spiritual and Supramental realisations.

"Mastery implies in it the right and careful utilisation...and also a self-control..." The ways delineated to master the Desire comprises the addressal of every part of The being and the Being as a whole. Such as,

- One must want to get mastery over desires and must aspire for it.

- To understand the necessities compare to desires because "there are only a very few things that are real necessities in life"

- The theory has opened wide range of functional powers of consciousness to believe and make practical use of them, such as Power of Thought, Imagination, Concentration,  Faith,  Immobility, Identification, that are inherant in the human constitution to be made active and develop. 

- To believe that "The desired come from outside, enter the subconscious vital and rise to the surface. It is only when they rise to the surface and the mind becomes aware of them, that we become Conscious of the Desire. It seems to us to be our own because we feel it thus rising from the vital into the mind and do not know that it came from outside. What belongs to the vital, to the being, what makes it responsible is not the Desire itself, but the habit of responding to the waves or the currents of suggestion that come into it from the universal Prakruti."

- When the psychic being is in the front, then also to get rid of desire becomes easy; for the psychic being has in itself no desires, it has only aspirations and a seeking and love for the Divine and all things that are or tend towards the Divine. 

- The other "key is a shift to the Divine standpoint,  or look at desire from above..." we find it, when we live and act in the spirit, to be an effortless and desireless, a spontaneous and illumined, a self-fufilling and self-possessing, a satisfied and blissful will of the spiritual delight of being."

Not only to rely on personal endeavours and relisation but one must "not rely on anything else alone, however helpful it may seem, but chiefly, primarily, fundamentally on the Mother's Force. The Sun and the light may be a help, and will be if it is the true Light and the true Sun, but cannot take the place of the Mother's Force."

- Persistence with patience, through aspiration and faith,  offering and surrender with the divine protection helps to understand and reject the various faces of the desire  force.

The essential and foremost significant action is to remain open to the Divine guidance initially and later for the directives.

The sincere the will, dedication and aspiration towards the Divine, the easier one gets to get out of the trap of the Desire element and the force. 

May the Beloved Mother be the light for one and all...

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
May, 2017

Flower Name: Atalantia monophylla
Significance: Absence of Desire
Luminous and fragrant, it expresses both peace and joy.

Essays on Geeta, Sri Aurobindo 
The Synthesis of Yoga,  Sri Aurobindo 
Powers within,  compilation by Dr. A S Dala
The Mother, Sri  Aurobindo 

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