O Humans! Let us put out!
By thought, deed, intend
Best for the growth sound,
Of ground to Profound!
Each leaves imprint out
Instills in atmosphere loud
Becomes one of it, bound!
To destroy or lift, decide now...
Contribute must, whoever around
The universe keeps in round
What is put forth, returns, hounds
One must be 'Morli' responsible, Noun...
Ultimately, it is human discretion,
How and which way to portray the self...
How effectively to utilise the self...
Which effects one wants to be affected by and create through the self...
Through which ways and modes one wants to create the atmosphere...
How well and worthy, one wants to be out there...
In which way one wants to contribute to the earth upto the Divine atmosphere...
How one wants to create and bridge the two atmospheres while grounded...
How responsible one feels for oneself...
Is it only in context of relation, be it professional or personal, or beyond that...
How intense one feels about one's own manifestations...
How far one is conscious about them...
How optimally that awareness is put to use...
How in synchronicity the universe responses everytime to that...
Ultimately, it is all about how to be aware, live with that awareness and effectively use it everytime one gets chance, not for personal petty satisfactions but with Divine will...
Those who want...know...
Thank you...
- Morli Pandya
May, 2017
Flower Name: Episcia cupreata
Flame violet
Significance: Will Manifested in Life
Concentrated and precise.
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