Sunday, 14 May 2017

Good, bad, ugly, proud...

Accept every tiny, stout 
Good, bad, ugly, proud
To make it road to shine out
To host Freedom genuine astound!

Once made the part
The being on the task
Gather, hold then give out
In surrender complete undoubt...

Remember, not to operate
Succumb, use or affect 
But to offer to Divine each found
For whatever foreign to fallout...

In bits and pieces, 'Morli',
The way to realisation is ground
In sincere, in faith, a-miss without
The respective detour profound...

Acceptance of whatever one comes accross is for the way to rejection.

Rather than resisting, where those unasked for adverse elements get push and strength, let them be...hold each obscurity up and offer!

Let not them percolate in thought, image or action or making them permanent part of behaviour of the being but pass them on genuinely to the Divine and done away with them...

They certainly, fall out ... from the one and from the atmosphere too. 

When things are psychologically accepted and kept them away and untreated at the same time...just for the sake of divine offering, the power, whichever they hold, fall away and are absolved, made nonexistence.

The Power Profound has a agenda to complete and so does the seeker!

In a way the path is literally made for respective resonance with simultaneous guidance to reach out...

How marvellous...Lord!

Thank you...

- Morli Pandya 
May, 2017

Flower Name: Thunbergia slats
Black eyes Susan vine
Significance: Obscurity Offers Itself to be Transformed 
Obscurity tired of being obscure.

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